Committing to someone is a big step in any relationship and sometimes it’s a windy road.  Sometimes hearing someone say “I love you” is more terrifying than endearing. If this sounds familiar, then let’s take a deep breath and try to erase the stigma about commitment. Here are a few reasons why you should commit:

One of the most important things in a relationship is trust, but trust is also the reason you find it difficult to fully commit. Maybe you’ve been hurt in the past or you tend to lose interest and hurt others. Either way, you’ve already had your share of loyalty and betrayal so at this point, you want everything in your new relationship to go smoothly. But that’s probably not going to happen if you keep big emotional walls up between you and your partner. If you’re enjoying spending time with someone, you should try to show some vulnerability. Work on letting your guard down and allowing people to see a deeper more intimate side of you. Be real, be yourself and if it doesn’t work out in the end, so be it! At least you tried.

Don’t let labels scare you off. Maybe you’ve been seeing someone for awhile now and you’ve started getting the dreaded question from friends and acquaintances: “Are you guys together?” You both stare at each other blankly until one of you give a vague confirmation. Now you have the label, but don’t be alarmed. Commit to it. It’s not a contract to be with this person “until death do you part.” It’s simply stating that you’re in a monogamous relationship with another person. Be excited! This is a new step for you, and a step in a direction that will keep you living in the moment.

It’s okay if you’re not ready for a commitment. Truly committing to another person is an important step and it says a lot about you. It says that you are confident being by yourself, but you have learned to let down your wall and trust someone else.

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